Why Tradition, Sustainability, and Imagination Mean So Much.

Photo of Double D Tire Transporter captured by Custer Creative of Hays Ks

Our Brand Pillars


Beef cattle are a part of our identity.

What we value is what keeps our family business on a path of growth: consistent support for those that we learned from and for those for whom we are setting an example.

Cow vector icon designed by custer creative


We exist to support and sustain the way of life for beef producers. The Beef Industry is the backbone of what makes our operation possible and with the utmost care we strive to continue the tradition.

Vector icon of a cow hoof with one side replaced by a leaf by Custer Creative of Hays Kansas


We take seriously our commitment to help our customers and Kansas neighbors protect the land on which they live, making it fruitful for future generations.

Imagination vector icon with tire tread crossing a pencil by Custer Creative


Imagination is crucial to help us convert scrap tires and rubber into functional products, and while it is not your everyday job, we take pride in each new innovation.



Please take a look at our OUR STORY to learn more about our history and why your cattle are our priority.

Don’t forget to like, follow, and find us on Facebook or share our story by clicking on the links below!

Thank you again for your support and we will keep grinding to bring you the best we can!